March 13, 2025

North American Maiden Winners November 2

Atreides–Toula by Bold Executive; TALLULAH DARLING, f, 2, WO, Msw, 11-2, 6f, 1:11 2/5. B-Josham Farms Limited (ON.). $25,000 ’17 KEESEP; $35,000 2018 OBSAPR. *1/2 to Conquest Sandman(MSW$324,120).
Empire Way–Alpine Echo by Swiss Yodeler; BLEW BY YOU, f, 2, SA, Mcl 50000, 11-2, 5 1/2f, 1:07 . B-Heinz H. Steinmann (CA.).
Exchange Rate–Won Opportunity by Street Cry (IRE); CRAWL FROM THE BAR, c, 2, WO, Mcl 25000, 11-2, 5f, :58 2/5. B-Anderson Farms (Ontario) Inc. & Rod Ferguson Farms Ltd. (ON.).
Fiber Sonde–Aarons Castle by Windsor Castle; VIC’S PICK, g, 2, CT, Mcl 12500, 11-1, 4 1/2f, :52 4/5. B-Michael E. Sterling (WV.).
Include–She Raised the Bar by Divine Park; RAISETONEW HEIGHTS, f, 2, PEN, Mcl 15000, 11-1, 6f, 1:12 . B-Brereton C. Jones (KY.). $30,000 ’17 FTMOCT; $1,700 ’17 KEEJAN.
Istan–Very Nice by Forest Grove; ISTAN WARRIOR, c, 2, RP, Mcl 20000, 11-1, 1m, 1:40 4/5. B-Brereton C. Jones (KY.). $9,500 ’17 KEESEP.
Jake La Gold–Victorys Legacy by Harbor the Gold; TORPEDO AWAY, g, 2, GG, Mcl 12500, 11-2, 5 1/2f, 1:04 2/5. B-Daniel R McCanna (WA.).
Magician (IRE)–Hookah Lady by Smoke Glacken; VOO DOO DOC, c, 2, DED, Msw, 11-2, 5f, :58 4/5. B-Hurstland Farm, Inc. & James H. Greene Jr. (KY.). $17,000 ’17 KEESEP.
Moro Tap–Randy Nance by Dixieland Band; MORO TEXAS, g, 2, RP, Mcl 20000, 11-1, 6f, 1:11 2/5. B-Wesley Melcher (TX.).
Old Fashioned–Sheila Tequila by Kafwain; MISS BITTERS, f, 2, DED, Msw, 11-1, 5f, 1:00 . B-Stephen Brown (LA.). $35,000 ’17 ESLYRL.
Paynter–Chuckling by Indian Charlie; POSITIVE PHIL, c, 2, GPW, Mcl 50000, 11-2, 1mT, 1:41 2/5. B-Prescott Farm (KY.). $50,000 ’17 KEESEP.
Paynter–Moroccan Rose by Carson City; NEEDS SUPERVISION, f, 2, LRL, Msw, 11-2, 7f, 1:24 1/5. B-Mike Abraham (KY.). $22,000 ’17 KEESEP; $55,000 2018 FTMMAY.
Shackleford–Ann’s Smart Dancer (MSW$409,954), by Dance With Ravens; SHOPPEDMYSELFBROKE, g, 2, IND, Msw, 11-2, 1m 70y, 1:44 1/5. B-The Elkstone Group LLC (KY.).
Silent Name (JPN)–Dancing Bay by Sligo Bay (IRE); PAY FOR PEACE, c, 2, WO, Msw, 11-2, 1m 70y, 1:44 . B-Brian Lynch Racing Ltd (ON.).
Speightstown–Jeanne’s Honor by Honour and Glory; PARTY WITH FRIENDS, c, 2, AQU, Msw, 11-2, 6fT, 1:08 3/5. B-Sienna Farms LLC (KY.). $200,000 ’17 KEESEP.
Take Charge Indy–Above It by Holy Bull; GOLDEN NOGUEZ, g, 2, LRL, Mcl 25000, 11-2, 1 1/16mT, 1:50 4/5. B-WinStar Farm, LLC (KY.). $4,000 ’16 KEENOV.
Tiz the One–Queen Imidala by Consolidator; TIZ THE FAITH, f, 2, DED, Mcl 20000, 11-2, 5f, :59 4/5. B-Larry Procell (LA.). $2,500 ’17 ESLYRL.
To Honor and Serve–Senorita Margarita by Elusive Quality; JACK VAN BERG, c, 2, CD, Msw, 11-2, 6f, 1:10 2/5. B-Haymarket Farm LLC (KY.). $28,000 ’17 KEESEP.
Treasure Beach (GB)–Pomeroy’s Info by Pomeroy; TREASURED INFO, f, 2, GPW, Mcl 10000, 11-2, 5 1/2f, 1:08 1/5. B-Patricia Generazio (FL.).
Will Take Charge–License to Speed by Thunder Gulch; WILLING TO SPEED, c, 2, AQU, Mcl 50000, 11-2, 1 1/16mT, 1:44 1/5. B-Bill Adair & Phyllis Adair & Connie Brown (KY.). *1/2 to Speedinthruthecity(MG3P$402,751).
Acclamation–Logical Single by Singletary; SOUND LOGIC, g, 3, GG, Msw, 11-2, 6f, 1:10 1/5. B-Harris Farms (CA.).
Any Given Saturday–Vaporize by Montbrook; SATURDAYS VAPOR, f, 3, PEN, Mcl 5000, 11-1, 6f, 1:13 . B-Two Tone Farms Inc. (KY.).
Atta Boy Roy–Screaminleapofaith by Matricule; JIMJIMMYJAMES, g, 3, TUP, Mcl 16000, 11-2, 6f, 1:11 1/5. B-James Kiser (WA.).
Bernardini–Islamorada by Smart Strike; MANHATTAN PROJECT, g, 3, GPW, Mcl 16000, 11-2, 1mT, 1:39 3/5. B-Teresa Viola Racing Stables (KY.). $22,000 2017 OBSJUN.
Brother Derek–Officer Cat by Officer; DEREK’S COP E CAT, f, 3, CT, Msw, 11-1, 4 1/2f, :53 1/5. B-Bradley Ceamon Merrell & Connie Ann Merrell (MD.).
Distorted Humor–Edit by Unbridled’s Song; OUR CIRCLE OF LOVE, f, 3, AQU, Msw, 11-2, 6f, 1:12 . B-Taylor Brothers Properties LLC, Springdell Farm, LLC, et al. (KY.). $380,000 ’16 KEESEP.
Hunters Bay–Sagrada by Holy Bull; ANDTHENTHERESTHAT, f, 3, CT, Msw, 11-1, 7f, 1:28 . B-Louis McLane Merryman & Adena Springs (MD.).
Jimmy Creed–Disclosed Desire by Forestry; HESGOTAWAYWITHWRDS, g, 3, PEN, Mcl 10000, 11-2, 6f, 1:12 2/5. B-Blackstone Farm, LLC (PA.). $8,000 ’16 FTKOCT; C$12,000 2017 HASAPR.
Macho Uno–Lateegra by North Light (IRE); MACHO BOURBON, f, 3, WO, Moc 40000, 11-2, 7f, 1:24 . B-Adena Springs (KY.). $25,000 ’16 FTKOCT.
Penitent Man–Taitt Hill by Graeme Hall; WITT EIGHT, g, 3, TUP, Mcl 5000, 11-2, 1m, 1:41 4/5. B-Henry S. Witt Jr. (TX.).
Quite a Handful–Misscini by Mancini; QUITE A BABE, f, 3, IND, Msw, 11-2, 6f, 1:12 1/5. B-Jay J. Holden & Arven P. Holden (IN.).
Read the Footnotes–Lil Cora Tee by Lil E. Tee; READTHECLIFFNOTES, g, 3, HAW, Msw, 11-1, 1 1/16m, 1:45 . B-Barr Three LLC (IL.). *1/2 to Lovely Loyree(G2P$381,300).
Redding Colliery–Honour Me Not by Perfect Soul (IRE); BANKERS HONOUR, f, 3, DED, Msw, 11-1, 6 1/2f, 1:22 3/5. B-Alton Ray (LA.).
Smiling Tiger–Chanceofalifetime by Pentelicus; Z Z TIGER, f, 3, SA, Mcl 20000, 11-2, 5f, :58 3/5. B-Martin Bach (CA.). $130,000 ’16 BESAUG.
Street Cry (IRE)–Hi Lili by Silver Deputy; SHOW BIZ, c, 3, RP, Msw, 11-1, 6 1/2f, 1:17 2/5. B-Extern Developments (KY.). $400,000 ’16 KEESEP. *1/2 to Conquest Bigluck E(SP$307,037).
Tiznow–Lasting Appeal by A.P. Indy; CONFEDERATION, g, 3, AQU, Mcl 20000, 11-2, 7f, 1:27 4/5. B-WinStar Farm, LLC (KY.). *Full to Conquest Windycity(G3P$284,651).
Ultimate Eagle–Shake a Wickedfoot by Tale of the Hills; WICKED ULTIMATUM, g, 3, GG, Mcl 8000, 11-2, 5 1/2f, 1:03 4/5. B-Patricia Keeline & Elliston Black (CA.).
Victor’s Cry–Fashion Jenny by Gilded Time; JENNY’S VICTORY, f, 3, WO, Msw, 11-2, 5f, :58 2/5. B-Sunrise Farm (ON.).
Hunt Crossing–Shesabopper by Bop; CROSSING TS, g, 4, CT, Mcl 5000, 11-2, 4 1/2f, :54 . B-Tommy Lee Jones (WV.).
Mission Impazible–Karmageddon (MSW$288,226), by Wildcat Heir; MISSION GOOD KARMA, f, 4, PEN, Mcl 5000, 11-1, 6f, 1:13 1/5. B-Headless Horsemen Racing, LLC (NJ.).
Rendezvous–Louisiana Lawyer by Michael’s Flyer; MEET YA IN KY, f, 4, GG, Mcl 8000, 11-2, 5 1/2f, 1:05 4/5. B-Don Carothers & Brian Carothers (CA.).
Super Saver–Grace Abounds by Stormy Atlantic; SUPER BOUND, c, 4, IND, Mcl 5000, 11-2, 6f, 1:11 2/5. B-Hargus Sexton & Sandra Sexton & Silver Fern Farm, LLC (KY.).
Winning Bid–Sandia Rose by Sandia Slew; RISQUEY BIDNESS, f, 4, RP, Mcl 7500, 11-1, 5 1/2f, 1:06 2/5. B-Sterling Racehorse Services, LLC & Kris Fullerton (NM.).