North American Maiden Winners September 14
🕒 Sep 14, 2019
Algorithms--Sandra's Rose by Old Trieste; SOUTH BEND, c, 2, CD, Msw, 9-14, 6f, 1:10 3/5. B-Highclere, Inc (KY.). $70,000 2019 OBSMAR. |
Artie Schiller--Beautiful Affair by Rock Hard Ten; PRETTY SWEET, f, 2, CBY, Msw, 9-14, 6f, 1:12 4/5. B-Lee McMillin & Mary McMillin (KY.). $11,000 '18 KEESEP. |
Bayern--Tres Belle by War Front; OLD TRAFFORD, c, 2, LRC, Mcl 30000, 9-14, 1m, 1:38 4/5. B-Kaleem Shah, Inc. (KY.). |
Birdstone--Hookipa by Corinthian; I'M THAT BIRD, f, 2, AP, Mcl 40000, 9-14, 1 1/16m, 1:48 4/5. B-North Hills Bloodstock (KY.). $6,000 '18 FTKOCT. |
Danza--Mrs Cindy's Walkin by Cactus Ridge; WALKINTHEWALK, f, 2, HST, Mcl 16000, 9-14, 6 1/2f, 1:20 . B-Gregg Moore (KY.). $1,000 '17 KEENOV; $8,000 '18 FTKOCT; C$15,000 2019 BRCHRA. |
Euroears--Take It and Fly by Kingkiowa; FLY TO THE BANK, g, 2, RP, Msw, 9-13, 5 1/2f, 1:04 3/5. B-James E Helzer (OK.). |
Frac Daddy--Miss Reginella by Bold Executive; AGNELLI, g, 2, WO, Moc 40000, 9-14, 5f, :58 3/5. B-Rita Schnitzler & Sandy Giffen (ON.). C$9,000 '18 ONTAUG. |
Hard Spun--Sangrita (G2), by Mr. Greeley; BACHELOR'S BAIT, f, 2, LRL, Msw, 9-14, 6f, 1:12 1/5. B-Dorothy A. Matz (KY.). *1/2 to Tequilita (G2 $700,200). |
Honor Code--Stella Blue (FR) (G3), by Anabaa; BAMA BREEZE, g, 2, CD, Msw, 9-14, 1 1/16mT, 1:44 3/5. B-Fred W. Hertrich lll (KY.). *1/2 to Sirius Prospect (G2P $432,121). |
Into Mischief--Starspangledbertie by Dixie Union; SECONDARY MARKET, f, 2, BEL, Msw, 9-14, 6 1/2f, 1:16 3/5. B-Arthur St. George (KY.). $275,000 '17 FTKNOV. |
Jersey Town--Lady's Quest by Rainbow Quest; ANGELUS WARRIOR, c, 2, GP, Mcl 50000, 9-14, 1mT, 1:36 3/5. B-Charles Fipke (KY.). $5,500 '18 FTKOCT; $30,000 2019 OBSMAR. |
Langfuhr--Jock's Girl by Belong to Me; PUBLIC SAFETY, g, 2, CBY, Msw, 9-14, 5f, :59 3/5. B-Tim William Rosin (MN.). |
Macho Uno--Wicked Beauty by Vindication; SARATOGA BEAUTY, f, 2, BEL, Msw, 9-14, 6f, 1:11 3/5. B-Richard Greeley (NY.). $15,000 '18 FTKOCT. |
Mucho Macho Man--She's Ordained (MSW$469,650), by Ministers Wild Cat; BORN TO REIGN, f, 2, GG, Mcl 25000, 9-14, 5 1/2f, 1:06 2/5. B-Keith McClelland & Rachel McClelland (ON.). $12,000 '18 KEESEP. |
My Pal Charlie--Cajun Yankee by Yankee Gentleman; GENTLEMAN CHARLIE, c, 2, LAD, Mcl 7500, 9-14, 5 1/2f, 1:06 3/5. B-Horseplayers Racing LLC (LA.). |
Pioneerof the Nile--Oblahlah by Tiz Wonderful; FRONTIER WOMAN, f, 2, DEL, Mcl 15000, 9-14, 6f, 1:13 1/5. B-Fred W. Hertrich III & John D. Fielding (KY.). |
Secret Circle--Sky Reach by Glitterman; REACH THE CIRCLE, g, 2, LAD, Msw, 9-14, 6f, 1:13 . B-Ronald P. Webb (LA.). |
Shanghai Bobby--Mon in the Moon by Maria's Mon; SHANGHAI MOON, c, 2, CD, Mcl 150000, 9-14, 7f, 1:23 3/5. B-Kerby Chua (KY.). $180,000 '18 FTKJUL; $36,000 '18 KEEJAN. |
Smarty Jones--Strike the Light by Smart Strike; VANDROSS, g, 2, BTP, Msw, 9-14, 6f, 1:13 4/5. B-Calumet Farm (KY.). $2,000 '18 KEESEP. |
Street Sense--Velvety by Bernardini; MAXFIELD, c, 2, CD, Msw, 9-14, 1m, 1:37 . B-Godolphin (KY.). |
Take Charge Indy--Candy Trophy by Candy Ride (ARG); CHARGE ACCOUNT, f, 2, GP, Mcl 16000, 9-14, 5f, :59 2/5. B-D. J. Stable (KY.). |
The Factor--Coco Belle (G1P$469,113), by Storm Boot; COFACTOR, f, 2, MTH, Msw, 9-14, 6f, 1:10 4/5. B-Stoneway Farm (KY.). |
War Front--Fascinating by Smart Strike; INDOCHINE, f, 2, BEL, Msw, 9-14, 1mT, 1:35 2/5. B-Lunsford & Sikura Racing, LLC (KY.). $470,000 '18 KEESEP. |
We Miss Artie--Stormkeeper by Stormy Atlantic; ARTIE'S PRINCESS, f, 2, WO, Moc 40000, 9-14, 5f, :57 2/5. B-Kenneth L. Ramsey & Sarah K. Ramsey (ON.). ***FIRST WINNER FOR SIRE. |
A Giant Valentine--Buckys Brat by Buckley Boy; HE'S A BRAT, g, 3, BTP, Mcl 15000, 9-14, 6f, 1:15 3/5. B-South River Ranch Inc. (OH.). *1/2 to Father John (MSW $338,013) *1/2 to Father Mick ($299,466). |
Archarcharch--Isbell Ambiel by Strodes Creek; IWASBORNAWINNER, f, 3, PRX, Mcl 10000, 9-14, 6f, 1:13 . B-Greg Partain (KY.). $2,000 '17 FTMOCT. |
Benny the Bull--Developing Story by Smoke Glacken; LA DIVINA, f, 3, MTH, Msw, 9-14, 6f, 1:14 1/5. B-Joel Weiner (NJ.). |
Colonel John--Abc Me Win by Alphabet Soup; SIOUX VALLEY, g, 3, CBY, Mcl 7500, 9-13, 6 1/2f, 1:18 . B-Warren Bush & Ron Eich (MN.). |
Friesan Fire--Portobello Belle by Hansel; CHASINTHEBURN, g, 3, MTH, Mcl 10000, 9-14, 1m 70y, 1:46 4/5. B-Sourland Management, LLC (NJ.). |
Gemologist--Holleran by Vision and Verse; DREAM OF GOD, c, 3, GP, Mcl 12500, 9-14, 5fT, :57 1/5. B-Erin Fisher & WinStar Farm, LLC (KY.). $3,500 '17 KEEJAN; $5,000 '17 OBSOCT; $5,000 2018 OBSJUN. |
Hold Me Back--Cinnamon Secret by Cozzene; HOLD THE SPICE, g, 3, CBY, Msw, 9-14, a1mT, 1:41 . B-Team J & K, LLC (MN.). $6,000 '17 MINAUG. |
Justin Phillip--Sarah Supreme by Golden Missile; NEW RULES, f, 3, AP, Mcl 20000, 9-14, 5 1/2f, 1:05 2/5. B-Equus Farm (KY.). $27,000 '17 FTKOCT; $40,000 2018 OBSJUN. |
Master Rick--Saint Lara by Concerto; PRIVATELY, f, 3, CT, Msw, 9-14, 4 1/2f, :53 . B-Javier Contreras (WV.). |
Munnings--River Bridge (FR) ($284,590), by Sanglamore; CUNNING MUNNINGS, g, 3, LRC, Mcl 50000, 9-14, 5 1/2f, 1:03 2/5. B-Red Baron's Barn LLC (CA.). |
Noble Mission (GB)--Win for Kitten by Kitten's Joy; NOBLE GODDESS, f, 3, BTP, Mcl 15000, 9-14, 1mT, 1:38 4/5. B-Calumet Farm (KY.). $31,000 '17 KEESEP; $40,000 2018 OBSJUN. |
Numaany--Seashell by Stephanotis; SEA CADET, g, 3, HST, Mcl 4000, 9-14, 6 1/2f, 1:19 2/5. B-Frank Barroby & Lynn Barroby (BC.). |
Paynter--Polyester by Tiz Wonderful; HARPERS FIRST RIDE, g, 3, CD, Mcl 30000, 9-14, 1 1/16m, 1:45 1/5. B-Sagamore Farm (MD.). |
Real Solution--Money Huntress by Mineshaft; REAL MONEY, c, 3, WO, Msw, 9-14, 5fT, :56 3/5. B-Kenneth L. Ramsey & Sarah K. Ramsey (KY.). $32,000 '17 KEESEP; $675,000 2018 OBSMAR. *1/2 to Noble Beauty (G3 $162,100). |
Seville (GER)--Merriweather by Opening Verse; TROIS PONTS, f, 3, LRL, Mcl 16000, 9-14, 1 1/16mT, 1:44 1/5. B-Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Bowman & Dr. Brooke Bowman (MD.). *1/2 to Vielsalm (G3P $329,285). |
Sidney's Candy--Billboard Hit by Giant's Causeway; CAUSEWAY CANDY, g, 3, BTP, Mcl 5000, 9-14, 1m, 1:42 3/5. B-Susan King & WinStar Farm, LLC (KY.). |
Super Saver--Tactful Lady by Langfuhr; LOVEATTURKEYCLUB, g, 3, TDN, Mcl 5000, 9-14, 5 1/2f, 1:07 2/5. B-Tony Holmes & Tim Thornton (KY.). $92,000 '17 FTKOCT. |
Three Hour Nap--Roaringoodmartini by Roar of the Tiger; RAGING SIDECAR, g, 3, CBY, Mcl 10000, 9-14, a1 1/16mT, 1:46 3/5. B-Hugh Robertson (IL.). |
Union Rags--Seasoned by Pulpit; CIRCLE THE SUN, f, 3, TDN, Msw, 9-14, 6f, 1:14 1/5. B-Jamm Ltd. (KY.). $100,000 '17 KEESEP; 7,000gns 2019 TATFEB. *1/2 to Diamond Bachelor (MSW $445,490). |
Windsor Castle--Dynaskill by Dynaformer; DYNACASTLE, f, 3, CT, Mcl 12500, 9-13, 6 1/2f, 1:22 2/5. B-Magalen O. Bryant (WV.). $4,500 '17 FTMDEC. |
Here Comes Ben--Vicarious Sara ($305,325), by Deposit Ticket; MR. VINCENT, g, 4, BEL, Mcl 40000, 9-14, 1 1/16mT, 1:42 2/5. B-La Marca Stable (NY.). |
Natashas Excess--T. G.'s Babe by Memo (CHI); TONY'S BABE, f, 4, GG, Mcl 8000, 9-14, 5 1/2f, 1:05 2/5. B-Daniel L. Harralson (CA.). ***FIRST WINNER FOR SIRE. |
Songandaprayer--Shenanigan Cat by Tale of the Cat; BULLETSANDBOURBON, f, 4, LAD, Mcl 7500, 9-14, a7 1/2fT, 1:34 3/5. B-Picard Thoroughbreds Racing Stable, LLC (LA.). |
Tapit--Groupie Doll (champion in mpion Female Sprinter, champion in mpion Female Sprinter, $2,648,850), by Bowman's Band; TAPABILITY, g, 4, GP, Msw, 9-14, 1m, 1:37 4/5. B-Whisper Hill Farm LLC (KY.). |
Temple City--Douxrah by Rahy; TEMPLE KNIGHTS, g, 4, LRC, Mcl 20000, 9-14, 5 1/2f, 1:03 4/5. B-Tom Trahey & Lynn Kober (KY.). |
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