MULTICAPS Quick Start Guide
_______________________________________________________ OVERVIEW OF MULTICAPS The following is an overview on how to use Multicaps after installation. In order to get more specific information on any of the specific items or processes see the detailed description of each of the menu options and sub-options in the Multicaps Manual. DOWNLOAD FILES: 1. Download an MCP data file from BRIS into the directory assigned for
Multicaps data. The default directory as shipped is C:\MC4DATA\. 2. If morning line odds, cloth numbers and early scratches are desired then download the accompanying Early Track Data (*.ETD) file into the MC4 data (C:\MC4DATA\). NOTE: A sample ETD file for Lone Star (LSX0702.ETD) is copied into the data directory when Multicaps is initially installed. NOTE: MCP data files are typically available at least 36 hours prior to post time. ETD files are typically available at least 24 hours prior to post time. It is possible and perhaps desirable to get a jump start on handicapping by importing the MCP data file as soon as it is made available and then later importing the ETD file when it becomes available. START MULTICAPS: 3. Once the data (MCP, ETD) has been downloaded into the data directory, start Multicaps by double-clicking its program icon. IMPORT DATA: 4. Choose IMPORT from the main menu and then select sub-option 1) or 2) depending on whether you intend to import data files for one track or several. A box will appear with a list of the files currently in the data directory that are available for importing. Multicaps will list the data files regardless of whether they are compressed (ending with a *.ZIP extension) or whether they are raw (ending with a *.MCP extension). Select the track file or date (if importing multiple files) and hit the ENTER key. NOTE: If the Early Track Data (ETD) file is present in the MC4 data directory at the time of importing the MCP data file, Multicaps will automatically import it as part of the same process. If the MCP file has been previously imported and the ETD file added later, it is necessary to choose items 3) or 4) from the IMPORT menu in order to include the Early Track Data. The ETD file will eliminate horses that have been scratched early, insert morning line odds, modify jockey and trainer information and insert program numbers. VIEW: 5. After the data has been imported, it is now ready to VIEW by selecting this option from the main menu. A box will appear in which all the files that have been previously imported will be available for viewing. Select the race to view and press ENTER on your keyboard. 6. The VIEW screen will now appear listing the horses in the race and various rankings and information about them depending on the default view that is listed in the default configuration. Printouts of the various rankings and screens may be achieved by selecting PRINT from this screen. The original default view as shipped from BRIS is the CLASS|SPEED screen. The original SORT from top to bottom is by SPEED and the original COLOR SORT is by the BRIS CLASS ratings. Any or all of these default settings may be changed by the user depending upon their particular handicapping style or factors that are currently dominant at the track(s) being handicapped. The VIEW screen contains much information and will take a few minutes to digest. The top or first line at the top is the menu bar from which various selections and changes may be made. The second line under the menu bar includes race date, track code, race number, distance, surface (dirt is brown, turf is green), type (maiden, claiming, allowance, handicap, stakes), claiming price or purse value, age and gender eligibility requirements, and the current screen view is highlighted in red. The third line (from left to right) lists the criteria for the sort order from top to bottom and the various function keys (F2-F10) available to sort the horses according to the factor underneath them. The fourth line shows the factor being used to sort by color and to the right, the factors available to be sorted in this screen view. The factor highlighted indicates the current top to bottom sort order. The color ranking hierarchy from top to bottom is RED, WHITE, BLUE, YELLOW, BLACK, GREY. If two or more horses have the same rating for the factor being sorted by color, they will all appear in the same color. The fifth line shows the PAR ratings for this type of race for the factors listed above each. The horses are listed underneath the broken line and are shown in order from top to bottom according to the factor highlighted in the fourth line. If the race has already occurred and the Exotic Race Data (*.XRD) file has been imported the order of finish and payoff values (including exotics) will be listed in the bottom section. Otherwise this section of the screen will appear blank. Many choices may be made from the VIEW screen the most important of which is the default configuration. The default settings determine which factors are most important and determine which past pacelines are being selected to determine rankings. These settings may be modified by selecting CHANGE and then DEFAULT CONFIGURATION. These settings are dealt with in detail in the sections following this overview. Perhaps the next most important menu option from the VIEW screen is SELECTPACELINE. This option allows the user to review the pacelines that have been automatically selected by the default setup. The user has the option to choose a different paceline or multiple pacelines (up to 3) to be averaged. The user even has the option to modify a paceline if none of the past performance line are indicative of the race the horse is likely to run today. Another frequently used option from this screen is the VIEW option. Choosing this option will allow you to choose different factors to view. Each of the various VIEW options are dealt with in detail in the section following this overview. RESULTS MODELS: 7. The MODELS functions are a key element in making full use of the power of Multicaps. In order to make use of this function, the user must import the Exotic Results Data (*.XRD) file for the Multicaps MCP data files existing in the data directory. By using this function you will be able to spot trends and dominant race factors that are occurring at each track you handicap. You will also be able to track the RETURN ON INVESTMENT (ROI) of various factors (such as speed, class, pace, odds, etc.) according to your current default configurations. Adjust your configurations to emphasize the peculiarities at your track and see the difference in your ROI. For more information on MODELS see the detailed information that follows. A sample Exotic Results Data (*.XRD) file for Lone Star is copied into the data directory at the time of installation (LSX0702.XRD). The real power and sophistication of Multicaps is the combination of the best that computer handicapping has to offer with the powers of human observation. While the user can allow Multicaps to select a high percent of winners based upon single factors such as speed, class, multicaps odds line, or morning odds line, the user can maximize the potential of Multicaps by maintaining a results database. With this history you can make changes to adjust to the factors that are actually paying off at the track(s) you are playing.
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