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North American Maiden Winners September 23

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American Lion--Numerus Reasons by Numerous; CIRCLE R, g, 2, LRL, Mcl 16000, 9-23, 5 1/2f, 1:06 1/5. B-Erv Woolsey & Ralph Kinder (KY.). $2,500 '15 KEENOV; $6,000 '16 FTKOCT.
Bodemeister--Lady Cruella by Capote; ABOUT A DREAM, f, 2, GP, Msw, 9-23, 6f, 1:12 1/5. B-Hartley/DeRenzo Thoroughbreds (FL.). $50,000 '16 OBSJAN. *1/2 to Leah's Secret (MG2 $1,158,805) *1/2 to Bear Tough Guy (G3 $180,746).
Colonel John--Di's Delight by French Deputy; MIRTH, f, 2, DEL, Mcl 16000, 9-23, a1m 70yT, 1:45 1/5. B-Barlar, LLC (PA.).
E Dubai--Lunacy (BRZ) by Minstrel Glory; OUR LUNATIC, g, 2, PRX, Msw, 9-23, 5 1/2f, 1:06 2/5. B-Daniel A Cassella (PA.).
Early Flyer--Scoring Chick by Even the Score; SCOREEARLYANDOFTEN, f, 2, AP, Mcl 25000, 9-22, 5 1/2f, 1:05 2/5. B-Steve H. Lewis (TX.).
Emcee--Saintcerely by Saint Ballado; ANOTHER LEVEL, f, 2, RET, Msw, 9-22, 7 1/2fT, 1:30 . B-Andy Stronach (OH.). $11,000 '16 KEEJAN; $3,200 2017 TEXAPR. ***FIRST WINNER FOR SIRE.
Eskendereya--Sisterhood by Kitten's Joy; IN THE MOOD, f, 2, BEL, Mcl 50000, 9-23, 6 1/2f, 1:18 3/5. B-Kenneth L. & Sarah K. Ramsey (KY.).
Fiber Sonde--Holy Pow Wow by Indian Charlie; LATE NIGHT POW WOW, f, 2, CT, Msw, 9-23, 6 1/2f, 1:22 1/5. B-John McKee (WV.).
Giant Gizmo--Victoria's Destiny by Doneraile Court; GIZMO'S DESTINY, f, 2, WO, Msw, 9-23, 1m 70y, 1:44 3/5. B-Rolph A. Davis & Robert P. Tiller (ON.).
Gottcha Gold--Street Cost by Street Cry (IRE); SEVEN CHANCES, f, 2, HST, Mcl 16000, 9-23, a6f, 1:13 1/5. B-Steen & Cathy Reggelsen (BC.). C$24,000 '16 BRCSEP; C$5,000 2017 HASAPR.
Musketier (GER)--Bou's Shadow by You and I; MUSKETIER'S SHADOW, f, 2, CTD, Mcl 20000, 9-23, 3 1/2f, :39 3/5. B-Andy Stronach & Wally Pugh (AB.). C$10,000 '16 ONTSEP.
Point of Entry--Critical Alert by E Dubai; PUNTO DE ENTRADA, f, 2, DEL, Msw, 9-23, a1 1/16mT, 1:45 3/5. B-Andrew Stronach (KY.).
Quality Road--Baby Lets Cruise by Tale of the Cat; EL CORAZON, c, 2, LRL, Msw, 9-23, 1m, 1:39 1/5. B-Phoenix Rising Farms (KY.). $100,000 '16 KEESEP.
Quality Road--Akron Moon by Malibu Moon; DIAMOND KING, c, 2, PRX, Msw, 9-23, 5 1/2f, 1:05 1/5. B-JSM Equine, LLC. (KY.). $55,000 '16 KEESEP; $235,000 2017 FTMMAY.
Songandaprayer--Rose Condor by Touch Gold; FLYING ROSIE, f, 2, LAD, Msw, 9-23, 1m 70y, 1:46 2/5. B-Babcock Farm (LA.). $7,000 '16 ESLSEP.
Stroll--Bayou Boots by Storm Boot; STROLLIN THE BAYOU, f, 2, AP, Msw, 9-23, 5 1/2f, 1:05 4/5. B-Barney & Anne Gallagher (IL.). $15,000 '16 FTKOCT; $50,000 2017 FTMMAY.
Uh Oh Bango--Eight Daughters by Five Star Day; UH OH BABY, c, 2, LRC, Msw, 9-23, 5 1/2f, 1:04 . B-NP Thoroughbreds, Inc. (CA.). $52,000 2017 BESJUL. ***FIRST WINNER FOR SIRE.
War Front--Wine Princess (G2$461,561), by Ghostzapper; WAR CHEST, c, 2, BEL, Msw, 9-23, 1mT, 1:34 3/5. B-DATTT Farm, LLC (KY.). $500,000 '16 KEESEP.
Archarcharch--Capable Argument by Closing Argument; BOW AND ARROW, g, 3, LRC, Mcl 20000, 9-23, 1m, 1:38 3/5. B-Michael Meeks (FL.).
Backstabber--Lady Cambridge by King of Scat; QUALITY ROCKET, g, 3, RP, Msw, 9-22, 5 1/2f, 1:03 3/5. B-M. Gerald Ball & Oteka Ann Ball (OK.).
Cause to Believe--Mystic Pass by Katahaula County; MYSTIC BELIEF, f, 3, HST, Mcl 4000, 9-23, 1 1/16m, 1:46 1/5. B-Bryan & Carol Anderson (BC.). C$4,000 2016 HASMAR.
Creative Cause--No Acronyms by Milwaukee Brew; MOXIE, f, 3, GP, Mcl 12500, 9-23, 7 1/2fT, 1:34 . B-Kim Boulmetis (KY.).
Fiber Sonde--Turf Princess by Cryptoclearance; TURF PRINCE, g, 3, CT, Msw, 9-22, 7f, 1:28 . B-Don Cain (WV.).
Frost Giant--Angry Dragon by Smarty Jones; FROSTY THE DRAGON, c, 3, FL, Msw, 9-23, 5 1/2f, 1:05 2/5. B-Sunrise Stables LLC & Troy Levy (NY.).
J P's Gusto--Hondo Creek by Private Terms; HONDO GUSTO, c, 3, TDN, Mcl 5000, 9-23, 1m, 1:42 2/5. B-Shade Tree Thoroughbreds Inc & Geoff Roy (FL.).
Jump Start--Slam Bid by Grand Slam; CHOCOMOUNT, g, 3, LRL, Mcl 16000, 9-23, 1 1/16mT, 1:42 2/5. B-Frank A. Bonsal Jr. (MD.).
Jump Start--Basket Stitch by Tiznow; JUMPSTITCH, f, 3, PEN, Msw, 9-22, 5 1/2f, 1:05 3/5. B-Equivine Farm (PA.). *1/2 to Keepmeinstitches (SP $315,814).
Kentucky Bear--Molly's Pride by Maria's Mon; SHEEP RIVER BEAR, g, 3, CTD, Mcl 5000, 9-23, 6f, 1:12 4/5. B-Bear Stables LTD. (ON.). C$11,000 '15 ONTSEP. *Full to Bear's Pride (SW $273,547).
Kissin Kris--Alley Theater by Theatrical (IRE); ALY'S OUTLAW, g, 3, CTD, Mcl 10000, 9-23, 1 1/16m, 1:46 4/5. B-Pierre Esquirol (AB.).
Limehouse--Judge Brandy by Judge T C; HOMEMADE BRANDY, f, 3, CT, Mcl 5000, 9-22, 4 1/2f, :54 2/5. B-Sally Ann & Gerald B Yeckley Jr. (MD.).
Mixmaster--Stud Finder by Pioneering; MT. ORAB KIDD, g, 3, BTP, Msw, 9-23, 6f, 1:13 2/5. B-James Townley (OH.).
Pioneerof the Nile--Honour Marianne by Honour and Glory; NEFER NEFER, f, 3, MED, Mcl 10000, 9-22, 1mT, 1:39 1/5. B-Fedai Kahraman (KY.). $250,000 '15 FTSAUG.
Pure Prize--Charley's Hope by Cryptoclearance; SASSY ROSE, f, 3, LRC, Mcl 20000, 9-22, 5 1/2f, 1:05 4/5. B-Rosecrest Farm LLC (KY.).
Siente El Trueno--Prospective Peace by Medford; ARYA PEACEFUL, g, 3, CT, Msw, 9-22, 7f, 1:30 1/5. B-Tabitha Wilhelm (WV.).
Speightstown--El Prado Essence (MG3$890,281), by El Prado (IRE); EIGHT TOWN, c, 3, BEL, Msw, 9-23, 6f, 1:10 . B-A & G Racing Stables (ON.). $200,000 '15 KEESEP. *Full to Essence Hit Man (champion in Canada, $1,414,689).
Stroll--Tabby by Storm Cat; MCPHERSON, g, 3, LRL, Mcl 25000, 9-23, 5 1/2f, 1:04 4/5. B-Whitham Thoroughbreds, LLC. (KY.).
Tiago--Ebony Emirates by Chapel Royal; DISCIPLINARYACTION, g, 3, BTP, Mcl 6250, 9-23, 1m 70y, 1:45 2/5. B-Pinnacle Thoroughbreds LLC & H. Allen Poindexter (IA.). $2,200 '14 KEENOV; $35,000 2016 OBSMAR.
To Honor and Serve--Askbut I Won'ttell (MG3$441,487), by Horse Chestnut (SAF); DON'TASK DON'TTELL, g, 3, AP, Msw, 9-23, 1mT, 1:37 2/5. B-Team Block (IL.).
U S Ranger--Sun for Fun by Sky Classic; SUN OF TARA, f, 3, GP, Mcl 25000, 9-23, 7 1/2fT, 1:33 4/5. B-Omar Rosillo (KY.).
Wildcat Heir--Afillyate by Blushing John; JOANIE WALKER BLUE, f, 3, FL, Mcl 12500, 9-23, 5 1/2f, 1:07 4/5. B-Danzel J Brendemeuhl & H Michael Reilly Jr (NY.). $27,000 '15 FTNAUG.
Arch Hall--Divine Class by Regal Classic; R FLEET FOOT, f, 4, FE, Mcl 4500, 9-23, 6 1/2f, 1:22 . B-Iris Bristow (ON.).
Disco Rico--Gracefully Done by Deputy Commander; DISCO MAN, g, 4, GP, Mcl 12500, 9-23, 7 1/2fT, 1:33 . B-Joseph DiRico (NY.). $2,500 '13 FTNOCT.
Medaglia d'Oro--Furlough (G1$671,844), by Easy Goer; SARATOGA SYNDICATE, c, 4, IND, Msw, 9-23, 5fT, :57 . B-Katierich Farms (KY.). *1/2 to Happy Hunting (G3 $281,917).
Olmodavor--Jen's New Chapter by Orientate; JEN'S BIG O, g, 4, ALB, Mcl 6500, 9-22, 6 1/2f, 1:17 1/5. B-Skip & Zipp Racing, LLC and Gilman Racing (CA.).
Smooth Bid--Purely Judith by Future Storm; FINE GRIT, g, 4, WO, Mcl 12500, 9-23, 1 1/16m, 1:46 . B-Fieldstone Farms Inc. (ON.).
Tiz Wonderful--Sangam by Majestic Light; TIZ MAJESTY, f, 4, PEN, Mcl 10000, 9-22, 1 1/16m, 1:49 1/5. B-Victor Zambrano & Crowning Point Far (KY.). $30,000 '13 KEENOV; $27,000 '14 KEESEP; $67,000 2015 FTMMAY.
Distorted Humor--Oh What a Windfall (G1$363,623), by Seeking the Gold; DISTORTED WINDFALL, g, 5, CT, Mcl 12500, 9-22, 6 1/2f, 1:21 3/5. B-Woodslane Farm (KY.). *1/2 to Pick Six (G2P $328,190).
National Saint--Hailey's Gone West by Pembroke; EDNAS CAFE, m, 5, RET, Mcl 5000, 9-22, 5f, :59 2/5. B-John Wartchow (OK.).

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