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Brad Cox

Unbeaten Good Cheer much the best in Rachel Alexandra
John Hancock bold up front in Sam F. Davis; La Cara wires Suncoast


Burnham Square closes powerfully for Holy Bull; Eclatant leads Cox 1-2 finish in Forward Gal
Disco times it just right to deny Built in Lecomte
Hit Show, Gigante star over the slop at Fair Grounds
Immersive off Kentucky Oaks trail with bone bruising
Muhimma stretches successfully to two turns, remains unbeaten in Demoiselle
Good Cheer stays unbeaten following Golden Rod triumph


Immersive draws off to remain unbeaten in Juvenile Fillies
Sovereignty, Good Cheer sweep Street Sense, Rags to Riches for Godolphin
Hot pace aids Brilliant Berti in Bryan Station
Tarifa edges Gun Song in Mother Goose
Emery powers clear in Raven Run
Idiomatic repeats in Spinster; Minaret Station upsets Bourbon; Governor Sam wires Indian Summer
Immersive imposes authority in WAYI Alcibiades; May Day Ready snares photo in WAYI Jessamine
Federal Judge makes his Breeders' Cup Sprint case with dominant Phoenix win


Hit Show nabs Cooke Creek in Lukas Classic; Three Technique closes for WAYI Ack Ack
Deterministic takes Virginia Derby as Franco wins five stakes
Highland Falls changes tactics to score in BC WAYI Jockey Club Gold Cup
Immersive gets up late in Spinaway; Brightwork edges Two Sharp in Prioress

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