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Florent Geroux

Mystic Lake wins Inside Information nail biter
Disco times it just right to deny Built in Lecomte


Hit Show, Gigante star over the slop at Fair Grounds
Muhimma stretches successfully to two turns, remains unbeaten in Demoiselle
Hot pace aids Brilliant Berti in Bryan Station
Idiomatic repeats in Spinster; Minaret Station upsets Bourbon; Governor Sam wires Indian Summer
Hit Show nabs Cooke Creek in Lukas Classic; Three Technique closes for WAYI Ack Ack
Idea Generation makes all the running to stun rivals in WAYI Flower Bowl


Saudi Crown in BC Dirt Mile picture after comeback score at Ellis Park
Dragoon Guard, Hit Show turn West Virginia double for Cox-Geroux tandem
World Record responds to aggressive tactics in Amsterdam
Dragoon Guard draws off in Indiana Derby; Chatalas rerallies for Indiana Oaks
First Mission pulls away late to score in Alysheba
Ova Charged holds on in Unbridled Sidney
Idiomatic extends win streak in La Troienne
Encino needs single defection for Kentucky Derby berth after Lexington victory


Middle East sojourn next for Saudi Crown after Louisiana prep win
Alpine Princess controls pace, rolls in Untapable
Trademark edges First Mission by a nose in Clark
Idiomatic locks up a championship with half-length win in BC Distaff

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