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Society Man caps banner weekend for Gargan in Matt Winn; Easy for Emery in Leslie's Lady
Book’em Danno takes WooYdy Stephens; Baby Yoda earns first stakes win in True North


West Saratoga among 10 entered in Matt Winn
White Abarrio looks to rebound in Met Mile; Idiomatic tops Ogden Phipps
Seize the Grey wins contentious Pat Day Mile
Sierra Leone, Impel favored in Kentucky Derby, Oaks Future Wager pools
Sierra Leone rises to individual favoritism in Kentucky Derby Future Wager Pool 4
All Others, Fierceness remain popular in Kentucky Derby Future Wager Pool 3


Track Phantom sprints clear early, rolls in Lecomte
Track Phantom, Nash rematch on tap in Lecomte; West Omaha heads Silverbulletday
Track Phantom carries speed to Gun Runner victory
Nash tops field of eight in Gun Runner; six fillies to contest Untapable

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