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North American Maiden Winners Dec. 12

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Adios Charlie--Scarlet Dixie by Broken Vow; ADIOS DIXIE, f, 2, GP, Mcl 12500, 12-12, 5 1/2f, 1:06 2/5. B-Daniel Pita (FL.).
American Freedom--Chambray by Alphabet Soup; BRIMAGE, f, 2, LRC, Mcl 30000, 12-12, 6f, 1:12 1/5. B-Nancy Shuford (KY.).
Archwarrior--Jet Set Lass by In Excess (IRE); JET SET WARRIOR, g, 2, ZIA, Mcl 10000, 12-12, 6 1/2f, 1:17 3/5. B-Jim Volk (NM.).
Commissioner--Speed Wagon by Tomorrows Cat; SILENT DISCO, g, 2, TP, Mcl 30000, 12-12, 1m, :00 . B-Paul Knapper (KY.). *1/2 to India Mantuana(G3).
Da Stoops--Goodheartedgirl by Ellerton; HELLO SUNDAY, f, 2, RP, Mcl 25000, 12-11, 5f, 1:01 1/5. B-Robbin Caldwell (OK.).
Frosted--Malibu Red by Malibu Moon; LOVE RAN RED, f, 2, FG, Msw, 12-12, 6f, 1:12 1/5. B-Coteau Grove Farms, LLC (LA.). $21,000 '20 FTKOCT.
Gone Astray--Piccola by Tiznow; NAMEEOMEE, f, 2, CT, Mcl 12500, 12-11, 4 1/2f, :54 . B-John R. Cothran (FL.).
Jimmy Creed--Dark Woman by Big Brown; CRYPTIC CREED, g, 2, GP, Mcl 16000, 12-12, a1m 70y, 1:44 1/5. B-Ralph Edward Kinder & Erv Woolsey (KY.). $17,000 '20 FTKFEB.
Liam's Map--Bernatina by Bernardini; BACK TO NORMAL, c, 2, OP, Msw, 12-12, 6f, 1:10 2/5. B-Kathryn Nikkel & Pegasus Stud LLC (KY.). $140,000 '19 KEENOV; $125,000 '20 FTYRLS; $200,000 2021 OBSMAR.
Mo for the Money--Robin My Girl by Mutakddim; MO CHOCTAW, g, 2, OP, Mcl 50000, 12-12, 6f, 1:10 . B-Anderson Farms (AR.).
Mr. Big--Irish Exchange by Exchange Rate; BIG SHAMROCK, f, 2, LRC, Mcl 50000, 12-12, 5 1/2f, 1:03 4/5. B-George Krikorian (CA.). $50,000 '20 FTCYRL.
Munnings--Awesome Fire (MSW$329,495), by Strong Contender; HALO OF FIRE, f, 2, GP, Msw, 12-12, a5fT, :57 4/5. B-Denali Stud, Respite Farm &Greg B. McDonald (KY.). $60,000 '19 KEENOV; $100,000 '20 KEESEP.
Munnings--Southern Equity by After Market; TAKE ME SERIOUS, f, 2, RP, Msw, 12-11, 7f, 1:27 . B-Bryan Leo Hawk (OK.).
Sky Mesa--Miss Star Maker by Pioneerof the Nile; SKY MAKER, f, 2, GG, Mcl 12500, 12-12, 5 1/2f, 1:06 1/5. B-Larry Jett (KY.).
Tapiture--Chloe Bear by Macho Uno; CAN'T BEAT ME, g, 2, OP, Mcl 40000, 12-12, 6f, 1:12 . B-Kingsport Farms LLC (NY.). $16,000 2021 OBSSUM.
Texas Bling--Imma Be a Wildcat by D'wildcat; KIM'S TEXAS BLING, f, 2, RP, Msw, 12-11, 7f, 1:26 3/5. B-Hall's Family Trust (TX.). *1/2 to Imma Bling(MSW$354,109).
Texas Red--Canette by Road Ruler; RODEO MAN, g, 2, HAW, Msw, 12-12, 6f, 1:13 2/5. B-Larry Owens (IL.).
U S Ranger--Visual Treat by Bertrando; NATIONWIDE PRIDE, g, 2, GG, Mcl 8000, 12-12, 1m, 1:42 3/5. B-Liberty Road Stables (CA.). $1,200 2021 CALMIX. *1/2 to Native Treasure(MSW$410,593).
Constitution--Hennyville by Henny Hughes; SANDOR CLEGANE, g, 3, TP, Mcl 5000, 12-11, 6f, 1:11 . B-Mahoney Eden Manor LLC & ClassicBloodstock LLC (NY.).
Data Link--Doeling by Purim; YAMBOREE QUEEN, f, 3, MNR, Msw, 12-12, 6f, 1:14 1/5. B-Tom Proctor (KY.).
Flat Out--Maryneill by Belong to Me; NAN ELIZABETH, f, 3, GG, Mcl 5000, 12-11, 5f, :59 . B-Stepaside Farm LLC (CA.).
Forty Tales--Dee Dee's Comet by Don Six; FORTY COMETS, g, 3, AQU, Msw, 12-12, 6 1/2f, 1:17 3/5. B-Patricia Generazio (NY.).
Golden Lad--Queen Kennelot by Awesome Again; LET US MAKE GOLD, g, 3, CT, Mcl 12500, 12-11, 6 1/2f, 1:22 4/5. B-Charles C. D. McGill (MD.). $10,000 '19 FTMYRL. *1/2 to Johnny Jump Up(MSW$344,169).
Honor Code--Crocus Hill by Medaglia d'Oro; ASKEW, f, 3, GP, Mcl 16000, 12-12, a1m 70y, 1:42 4/5. B-Cove Springs Farm LLC (KY.). $50,000 '19 KEESEP.
Ironicus--Include the Aussie by Include; LAUGH IT OFF, f, 3, TP, Mcl 5000, 12-12, 1m, 1:39 4/5. B-Henry L. Hinkle (PA.).
Lakerville--Byballot by You and I; CHAO MAR, f, 3, LRC, Mcl 20000, 12-12, 1m, 1:38 3/5. B-ARCHA Racing Inc. (CA.).
Majestic City--Tiger Girl by Hold That Tiger; MAJESTIC TIGER, g, 3, AQU, Mcl 25000, 12-12, 6f, 1:12 2/5. B-Bloom Racing Stable (NY.).
Mass Media--Melisma by Well Decorated; GREY SLOAN, g, 3, FG, Mcl 10000, 12-12, 1m, 1:41 2/5. B-Terry Adcock (LA.). $3,000 '19 ESLYRL. *1/2 to Choctaw Nation(MG2$1,224,800) *1/2 to Treasured Up(G3P$288,533).
Micromanage--Silence Dogood by Grand Slam; CAPTIVATING CARA, f, 3, AQU, Mcl 25000, 12-12, 6f, 1:12 2/5. B-Other Things, LLC (NY.). $20,000 2020 OBSSUM.
Mr. Nightlinger--Taylor Madison (MSW$340,138), by Kipling; IRMA M, f, 3, RP, Mcl 15000, 12-11, 5 1/2f, 1:07 2/5. B-Center Hills Farm (OK.). $10,000 '19 OKCSUM.
Punctuate--Special Flag by Avenue of Flags; SPECIAL PRIDE, f, 3, ZIA, Msw, 12-12, 6f, 1:10 2/5. B-Cleber J Massey (NM.).
Skipshot--Queen to Be by Flatter; BENCH, g, 3, TP, Msw, 12-12, 6f, 1:09 3/5. B-Olympia Star Inc (KY.).
Tiznow--Garage Kept by Dehere; PRIANO, c, 3, LRC, Mcl 40000, 12-12, 5 1/2f, 1:03 . B-Hidden Springs Farm & Tiznow Syndicate (KY.). $75,000 '18 KEENOV; $25,000 '19 FTKOCT; $75,000 2020 OBSSPR.
Tonalist--La Grange by Curlin; WHISTLER'S STYLE, f, 3, LRC, Mcl 20000, 12-12, 1m, 1:38 . B-R. S. Evans (KY.). $80,000 '18 KEENOV; $55,000 '19 KEESEP.
Vronsky--Approved to Fly by Perfect Mandate; SUPERSONIC FLYER, f, 3, LRC, Mcl 50000, 12-11, 5 1/2f, 1:04 3/5. B-Old English Rancho (CA.). $15,000 '19 CALMIX.
Freud--Grape Cottage by Street Cry (IRE); GRAPE THERAPY, f, 4, AQU, Mcl 25000, 12-12, 6f, 1:13 3/5. B-Dr. James R. McGlinn (NY.).
Latigo Shore--Campfire Party by Forest Danger; BONFIRE PARTY, g, 4, ZIA, Mcl 15000, 12-12, 6f, 1:09 1/5. B-Greg Green & Dwain Yarbar (NM.).
Orb--Dancing Band by Dixieland Band; DISCO BALL, c, 4, LRC, Msw, 12-12, 1m, 1:36 . B-Dennis O'Neill (KY.). $70,000 '17 KEENOV; $140,000 '18 KEESEP.
Perfect Circle--Seductiveenjoyment by Quiet Enjoyment; SUDDENLY SEDUCTIVE, g, 4, MNR, Mcl 4000, 12-12, 6f, 1:14 . B-Shane Spiess (MI.).
Tonalist--Saphiria by Touch Gold; THE BLUE DRAGON, g, 4, TP, Mcl 30000, 12-12, 1m, 1:38 3/5. B-Royal Oak Farm, LLC (KY.). $100,000 '17 KEENOV; $90,000 '18 FTSAUG. *1/2 to Bryan's Jewel(G3$484,878).
Niagara Causeway--Our Smile by Medaglia d'Oro; NIAGARA GOLD, g, 5, TP, Mcl 7500, 12-12, 1m, 1:37 1/5. B-La Bahia Stud, Inc. (KY.).

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