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North American Maiden Winners December 22

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Creative Cause--Divine County by Divine Park; LAND OR SEA, f, 2, TP, Mcl 7500, 12-21, 1m, 1:42 4/5. B-Brereton C. Jones (KY.).
Ghaaleb--Gita by Sahm; GITA'S LAD, g, 2, HAW, Msw, 12-22, 6f, 1:11 4/5. B-William P Stiritz (IL.).
Grasshopper--Crema d'Oro by Medaglia d'Oro; SHES A TEXAN, f, 2, DED, Mcl 10000, 12-21, 5f, 1:00 3/5. B-Ed Few (TX.). $11,500 2017 TEXAPR.
Kitten's Joy--Double Faced by More Than Ready; SATIATE, f, 2, HAW, Msw, 12-22, 1m 70y, 1:44 3/5. B-Kenneth L. & Sarah K. Ramsey (KY.). $110,000 2017 OBSAPR.
Kitten's Joy--Pacific Trail by Grand Slam; J C'S PROUD KITTEN, f, 2, TAM, Mcl 16000, 12-22, 1mT, 1:38 3/5. B-Kenneth L. & Sarah K. Ramsey (KY.).
Machen--Seahag by Cashel Castle; FASTER THAN CHROME, g, 2, CT, Mcl 7500, 12-21, 4 1/2f, :53 4/5. B-Gary William Carter (WV.).
More Than Ready--Satin Smooth by Giant's Causeway; SMOOTH MOVE, g, 2, AQU, Msw, 12-22, 1m, 1:41 2/5. B-Chester & Mary R. Broman (NY.).
Mr. Nightlinger--This Crazy Life by Lydgate; SWANKY, f, 2, DED, Msw, 12-21, 5f, :59 3/5. B-Carl Moore Management Llc (OK.).
New Year's Day--La Salle Glory (SP$506,039), by Lit de Justice; GLORIOUS DAY, f, 2, DED, Msw, 12-21, 5f, 1:00 1/5. B-Montgomery Equine Center (LA.).
Pioneerof the Nile--Manx Cat by Forest Wildcat; SHADOW SPHINX, g, 2, FG, Mcl 30000, 12-22, 6f, 1:13 2/5. B-Grade 1 Bloodstock & Halcyon Farm & Equine Equity Partners, LLC (KY.).
Shanghai Bobby--It's the Cats Meow by Stormy Atlantic; IT'S A DOOZY, f, 2, LRL, Msw, 12-22, 6f, 1:13 4/5. B-Douglas Arnold (KY.). $15,000 2017 FTMMAY. *1/2 to Atlantic Hurricane (champion in Canada, $637,165).
Skipshot--Hemera by Maria's Mon; ROUSSALKA, f, 2, FG, Mcl 30000, 12-22, 6f, 1:14 . B-Olympia Star (KY.).
Soldat--Trolley's Last by Fusaichi Pegasus; PFERD SOLDAT, c, 2, LRL, Mcl 25000, 12-22, 1m, 1:41 2/5. B-Woodford Thoroughbreds (FL.). $5,200 '16 OBSAUG.
Successful Appeal--Sotogenic by Soto; BEAU DAN, g, 2, TP, Msw, 12-21, 1m, 1:40 2/5. B-Larry Goodwin & Earl Evan (KY.).
Violence--Eleganter by A.P. Indy; VIOLENT DELIGHTS, c, 2, AQU, Msw, 12-22, 1m, 1:42 3/5. B-Eaton & Thorne, Inc. (NY.). $75,000 '16 FTNAUG.
With Distinction--Lady Cheryl by Williamstown; PARANOIA, f, 2, AQU, Mcl 40000, 12-22, 6f, 1:14 2/5. B-Richard E Wilson (FL.). $1,200 '16 OBSAUG.
Admiral Alex--Shandrea by Distorted Humor; DISTORTED ADMIRAL, g, 3, AQU, Mcl 40000, 12-22, 1m, 1:40 4/5. B-Leon Bluziewicz (MD.).
Chatain--Birchfrost by Woodman; CAPTAIN CHATAIN, g, 3, DED, Mcl 10000, 12-21, 6 1/2f, 1:22 2/5. B-Robert E. Hewlett (LA.).
Congrats--Cryptocandiac by Candy Ride (ARG); CORY'S CUTIE, f, 3, CT, Mcl 5000, 12-21, 7f, 1:30 . B-Fernung, Sebastian, Flanigan and Cahalan (FL.).
First Dude--Expect Nothing by A. P Jet; CAIRENN, f, 3, LRL, Msw, 12-22, 5 1/2f, 1:04 4/5. B-Best A Luck Farm LLC (FL.). $30,000 2016 OBSJUN.
Forest Attack--Sole of the City (MSW$291,906), by Salt Lake; SHE IS GORGEOUS, f, 3, HAW, Msw, 12-22, 6f, 1:12 . B-Scarlet Stable (IL.).
Hunt Crossing--Callies Honor by Double Honor; MYBIGSISTERCARRIE, f, 3, CT, Mcl 5000, 12-21, 7f, 1:30 3/5. B-Stanley Waychunas (WV.).
Overdriven--Singaballad by Holy Mountain; JIMMY'S LEGACY, f, 3, TAM, Mcl 25000, 12-22, 7f, 1:25 2/5. B-Jim Thomas (FL.).
Partner's Hero--Tabloid by Power by Far; GANS' PIPEDREAM, f, 3, PEN, Mcl 15000, 12-21, 6f, 1:15 . B-Charles B. Gans Jr. (PA.).
Regal Ransom--La Nees by Anees; MR. PAPILLON, c, 3, GP, Mcl 20000, 12-22, 1 1/16mT, 1:43 2/5. B-Carl H. & Martha A. Johnson (FL.). $4,500 2016 OBSJUN.
Spring At Last--Catnabout by Out of Place; AGUILA NEGRA, f, 3, TP, Mcl 7500, 12-21, 1m, 1:41 4/5. B-Clabes Bloodstock (KY.).
Mr. Noname--Fancy Ride by Sir Cat; JODYNBUD, g, 4, HAW, Mcl 6250, 12-22, 6f, 1:12 . B-William R Short, Joseph X Short (IN.). ***FIRST WINNER FOR SIRE.
Quality Road--Rebalite by More Than Ready; WAGE ACCELERATION, c, 4, GP, Mcl 50000, 12-22, 1mT, 1:38 1/5. B-James Miller (KY.). $250,000 '14 FTSAUG. *1/2 to Race Day (MG2 $748,000).
Trappe Shot--Shukriya by Grand Reward; YENISEY, c, 4, HAW, Mcl 12500, 12-22, 1m 70y, 1:43 4/5. B-Josham Farms Limited & Yvonne Schwabe Thoroughbreds (ON.). $57,000 '14 KEESEP.