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North American Maiden Winners November 30

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Ancient Art--Warren's Amber by Broadway Moon; WARREN'S VAN GOGH, g, 2, GG, Mcl 8000, 11-30, 5 1/2f, 1:06 2/5. B-Benjamin C. Warren & Sally Warren (CA.).
Bayern--Awesome Baby (G2$356,078), by Awesome Again; THE BIG KAHUNA, c, 2, GP, Msw, 11-30, 5 1/2f, 1:04 2/5. B-Kaleem Shah, Inc. (KY.).
Clubhouse Ride--Sunpenny by Good Reward; SUNNY RIDE, g, 2, GG, Mcl 25000, 11-30, 6f, 1:12 1/5. B-Steven Zerda (CA.).
Cogito--Youvegotthatright by Tribal Rule; YOU'RERIGHT AGAIN, g, 2, DMR, Mcl 32000, 11-29, 6f, 1:10 3/5. B-Greg Aguilar (CA.).   ***FIRST WINNER FOR SIRE
Constitution--Gold D' Medaglia by Medaglia d'Oro; GOLDEN PRINCIPAL, f, 2, DMR, Msw, 11-30, 6f, 1:09 3/5. B-CESA Farm (FL.). $200,000 2019 OBSAPR.
Declaration of War--Adorabell by Distorted Humor; BELLS OF WAR, f, 2, WO, Msw, 11-30, 6 1/2f, 1:17 4/5. B-Tony Holmes, Dr & Mrs Walter Zent & Joseph Allen LLC (KY.). $13,000 '18 KEESEP; $70,000 2019 FTMMAY. *1/2 to Harvey Wallbanger (G2$337,620).
Empire Way--Susan B by Johannesburg; EMPRESARIO, c, 2, DED, Msw, 11-29, 5f, 1:00 . B-Spring Hill Farm (TX.).
First Samurai--Heatinaheartbeat by Unusual Heat; KNIFES EDGE, g, 2, DMR, Mcl 32000, 11-30, 1m, 1:38 4/5. B-M. Auerbach, L.L.C., Marsha Naify, Barry Abrams & Onofrio Pecoraro (KY.). $2,000 '17 KEENOV; $10,000 '18 KEESEP.
Ghostzapper--Truly Enchanting (IRE) by Danehill Dancer (IRE); WICKED AMBER, f, 2, AQU, Msw, 11-30, 6fT, 1:12 . B-Nursery Place, Manfuso & Shackelford (KY.). $100,000 '18 KEESEP; $8,000 2019 FTMMAY. *1/2 to Infinite Magic (G3$300,173).
Giacomo--Magdalenka by Dayjur; SHEZ A GRINDER, f, 2, GG, Mcl 8000, 11-30, 5 1/2f, 1:06 . B-Andrew Stronach (CA.). $3,800 '18 CTNAUG.
Goldencents--Running Debi C by Unbridled's Song; MAILMAN MONEY, c, 2, CD, Msw, 11-30, 6f, 1:11 2/5. B-TK Stables LLC (KY.). $50,000 '18 FTKOCT; $150,000 2019 OBSAPR.
Khozan--Kombat Cat by D'wildcat; KOZY KAT, f, 2, GP, Mcl 25000, 11-30, 6f, 1:12 4/5. B-Hickstead Farm (FL.). $55,000 '18 OBSOCT.
Lemon Drop Kid--Shared Heart by Forestry; LEMONCITA, f, 2, GP, Mcl 25000, 11-30, 1mT, 1:37 . B-Wertheimer et Frere (KY.).
Liam's Map--Uno Mas Promesa by Macho Uno; SOUNION, c, 2, CD, Msw, 11-30, 1m, 1:37 3/5. B-Town and Country Horse Farms, LLC, Pollock Farms & Hugh Owen (KY.). $360,000 '18 KEESEP. *1/2 to Promise Me Silver (G3$486,681).
Limehouse--Golden Parachute by Belong to Me; ZEHAVI, g, 2, CT, Msw, 11-29, 6 1/2f, 1:21 4/5. B-O'Sullivan Farms LLC (WV.).
Milwaukee Brew--Bold Peaks by Pyramid Peak; SATIVA, c, 2, WO, Mcl 15000, 11-30, 6 1/2f, 1:19 3/5. B-Andy Stronach (ON.).
Munnings--Thissongsforbailee by Unbridled's Song; BLAZING DESIRE, g, 2, GP, Mcl 35000, 11-30, a7 1/2fT, 1:30 . B-DP Racing (KY.). $65,000 '18 KEESEP.
Oxbow--Classicism by A.P. Indy; BLACKBERRY WINE, c, 2, CD, Msw, 11-30, 1 1/16m, 1:45 3/5. B-Calumet Farm (KY.). *1/2 to Neoclassic ($344,376).
Palace Malice--Jelly Cable by Sky Mesa; PALACE MISS, f, 2, CD, Msw, 11-30, 1m, 1:39 . B-Brent Fernung, Crystal Fernung, Mike Sebastian Sr., Dan Flanigan et al. (FL.). $19,000 '18 FTKOCT.
Secret Circle--Missy Rules by Peace Rules; SECRET RULES, c, 2, AQU, Msw, 11-30, 6 1/2f, 1:19 . B-Hill 'n' Dale Equine Holdings, Inc. (KY.). $5,000 '17 KEENOV; $75,000 2019 FTMMAY.
Shanghai Bobby--Restraining Order by Skip Trial; SHANGHAI SKIPPER, c, 2, RP, Msw, 11-29, 1m, 1:40 . B-Mike Abraham (KY.). $32,000 '18 KEEJAN. *1/2 to Hey Byrn (G3$339,793).
Street Sense--Breaking Promises by Broken Vow; STREET OF DREAMS, f, 2, CD, Msw, 11-30, 1m, 1:36 3/5. B-New Cal Stable (KY.). $80,000 '18 FTKOCT; $150,000 2019 FTMMAY.
Summer Front--Spiteful Gypsy by Speightstown; CRUEL SUMMER, c, 2, FG, Msw, 11-30, a1mT, 1:38 3/5. B-Hickstead Farm (FL.). $60,000 '18 KEEJAN; $130,000 '18 KEESEP.
Tapit--Debonnaire (GB) by Anabaa; URSULA, f, 2, FG, Msw, 11-30, 6f, 1:11 . B-Mt. Brilliant Broodmares II LLC (KY.). *1/2 to Hartnell (GB) (MG1$268,651).
Twirling Candy--Henley by Corinthian; VERUCA, f, 2, CD, Msw, 11-30, 6f, 1:11 3/5. B-Machmer Hall & D + J Racing Stable LLC (KY.). $62,000 '18 KEESEP; $335,000 2019 OBSAPR.
Caleb's Posse--Winterello by Thunderello; TEAM HUCKY, c, 3, MVR, Msw, 11-30, 6f, 1:16 2/5. B-Team Ramgeet Racing LLC (OH.).
E Dubai--My Friend Lacey by My Friend Max; FRIEND OF DUBAI, g, 3, DED, Mcl 10000, 11-29, 5f, 1:00 2/5. B-Daman Paul Albarado (LA.).
El Padrino--Aquatint by Not for Love; SPARE KEY, g, 3, PEN, Mcl 25000, 11-30, 1m 70y, 1:46 3/5. B-Elizabeth R. Houghton (PA.).
Fed Biz--Aprisa Luna by Malibu Moon; BIZNESS BEAUTY, f, 3, TAM, Mcl 16000, 11-30, 1mT, 1:37 2/5. B-Gary Broad (KY.). $45,000 2018 OBSAPR.
Goldencents--Highly Confused by Rahy; HIGHLY CENTSABLE, g, 3, FG, Mcl 10000, 11-30, 6f, 1:13 2/5. B-Earl Hernandez, Keith Hernandez, John Duvieilh & Bill Langford (LA.).
Kitten's Joy--Exe by Exchange Rate; SILVER KITTEN, f, 3, AQU, Msw, 11-30, 1 1/16mT, 1:43 3/5. B-Kenneth L. Ramsey & Sarah K. Ramsey (KY.). $140,000 2018 OBSAPR.
Macho Uno--Between the Clouds by Sky Classic; BETWIXTING, f, 3, WO, Moc 40000, 11-30, 5 1/2f, 1:04 2/5. B-Sun Valley Farm (KY.).
Noble Mission (GB)--Macaabra (IRE) by Exceed and Excel (AUS); NOBLE DESCENDANT, g, 3, PEN, Mcl 7500, 11-29, 1m 70y, 1:48 2/5. B-HnR Nothhaft Horseracing LLC (KY.).
Personal Interest--Musical Splendor by Bernstein; MUSICAL INTEREST, g, 3, HAW, Mcl 6250, 11-30, 1m 70y, 1:44 1/5. B-Just For Fun Stable Inc. (FL.).
Read the Footnotes--Four Plus Four by Major Impact; PATRIOTIC OKIE, g, 3, RP, Mcl 7500, 11-29, 5 1/2f, 1:05 4/5. B-Eureka Thoroughbred Farm (OK.). $17,000 '17 HERTHB. *1/2 to Trainee (MSW$258,364) *1/2 to Diva's Rule (MSW$262,535).
Stephen Got Even--Frostina by Alaskan Frost; DICKINSON'S IMAGE, g, 3, FG, Mcl 12500, 11-30, 1m, 1:41 3/5. B-Garret A. Sudbring (KY.).
Tapizar--Princess Claire by Free Thinking; SEEMSLIKEOLDTIMES, f, 3, PRX, Mcl 10000, 11-30, 6f, 1:15 . B-Kathryn Nelson (KY.).
Read the Footnotes--Chestnut Lady by Horse Chestnut (SAF); WORD TO THE WISE, g, 4, RP, Msw, 11-29, 5 1/2f, 1:06 1/5. B-Eureka Thoroughbred Farm (OK.).

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