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North American Maiden Winners October 2

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Liam's Map--Right On Renee by Stormy Atlantic; BONGGA, g, 2, BEL, Mcl 30000, 10-2, 7f, 1:24 4/5. B-Judy Miller & Robert Liedel (KY.). $100,000 '18 FTKOCT; $85,000 2019 OBSMAR.
Street Boss--Urloveisasymphony by Forest Wildcat; VIOLANE, f, 2, IND, Msw, 10-2, 1mT, 1:37 2/5. B-Deann Baer & Greg Baer DVM (IN.). $165,000 '17 KEENOV; $210,000 '18 KEESEP.
Central Banker--Kat Nan Do by Formal Gold; CENTRIST, g, 3, FL, Msw, 10-2, 5 1/2f, 1:06 3/5. B-Kildare Stud& Oak Meadow Farm (NY.). $90,000 '17 FTNAUG. *1/2 to Donita's Ruler (MSW$462,719).
Channeled--Heaven's Song by Hard Spun; CHANNELEDBYTHEWIND, c, 3, GPW, Mcl 20000, 10-2, 6f, 1:12 . B-Keene Ridge Racing, LLC (KY.).
Cowtown Cat--Holy Harem by Holy Bull; HAREM'S CAT, f, 3, TDN, Msw, 10-2, 6f, 1:14 3/5. B-Fair Weather Farm, Inc. (OH.). $6,000 '17 KEESEP.
Dialed In--Standing Regal by Regal Ransom; MINE'S DIALED IN, c, 3, TDN, Msw, 10-2, 5 1/2f, 1:07 1/5. B-Brandywine Farm (KY.). $7,000 '17 FTKOCT.
Discreet Cat--Redmond by Red Ransom; DISCREET RANSOM, g, 3, FL, Mcl 5000, 10-2, 5 1/2f, 1:07 4/5. B-Helen Barbazon & Joseph Barbazon (FL.).
First Samurai--Debonair Darling by Formal Dinner; CHIC AND SEXY, f, 3, GPW, Mcl 20000, 10-2, 6f, 1:14 . B-Red Oak Stable (KY.).
Foreign Policy--Isabella the Lady by Macabe; FOREIGN ARRAY, f, 3, MNR, Mcl 4000, 10-1, 6f, 1:15 . B-Francisco Bravo (OK.).
Liaison--No Pictures Please by Congrats; NO PICTURE CHARLIE, g, 3, MNR, Mcl 4000, 10-1, 6f, 1:14 3/5. B-Larry L. Caudill DVM (KY.). $9,500 '16 KEENOV.
Lookin At Lucky--Branding by Street Sense; LUCKY RUNS NORTH, g, 3, DEL, Msw, 10-2, 6f, 1:11 4/5. B-Glen Hill Farm (FL.). $10,000 '16 KEENOV; $42,000 '17 KEESEP.
Paynter--Go Milan Go by Broken Vow; CREDIT CYCLE, g, 3, DEL, Mcl 5000, 10-2, 5 1/2f, 1:07 1/5. B-Respite Farm (KY.). $170,000 '17 KEESEP; $7,000 2019 OBSJUN.
Portobello Road--Shore Breeze Hero by Shore Breeze; PORTOBELLO'S HERO, g, 3, IND, Mcl 10000, 10-1, 5 1/2f, 1:07 1/5. B-Kim Hammond (IN.).
Posse--Sadietheprettylady by Phone Trick; VERY STABLE GENIUS, f, 3, FL, Msw, 10-2, 1m 70y, 1:49 2/5. B-Dutchess Views Farm, Inc. (NY.).
Posse--Upset Alert by Suave; SIR PEANUT, g, 3, PID, Mcl 5000, 10-2, 5f, :57 4/5. B-Sandra A. Lombardo (NY.).
Strong Mandate--Sweetstart by Jump Start; KEILANI, f, 3, GPW, Mcl 12500, 10-2, a7 1/2fT, 1:32 2/5. B-L. Tanel (ON.). $35,000 '17 KEESEP.
Adios Charlie--Miss Zip by City Zip; ADIOS, f, 4, GPW, Mcl 12500, 10-2, a7 1/2fT, 1:31 . B-Laurin Stable, Inc. (FL.).
Adios Charlie--Inpending Danger by Go for Gin; GOOD MORNING JACK, g, 4, PID, Mcl 6250, 10-1, 6f, 1:11 1/5. B-Joanne Margaret Crowe (FL.). $1,000 '16 OBSJAN.
Frost Giant--Seattle Ash by Seattle Sleet; SEATTLE FROST, f, 4, FL, Mcl 12500, 10-2, 5 1/2f, 1:08 4/5. B-FG Stallion, LLC & Charles E. Festa Jr. (NY.).
Mission Impazible--Givonna S by Abaginone; BIG EXPENSE, f, 4, BEL, Mcl 40000, 10-2, 1 1/8mT, 1:49 2/5. B-Dominick Schettino & Salvatore Como (NY.). *1/2 to Dighton ($392,357).
To Honor and Serve--Palmilla (G3$384,320), by Crowd Pleaser; MISS PATRIOT, f, 4, DEL, Mcl 16000, 10-2, 1m 70yT, 1:41 1/5. B-George Strawbridge Jr. (KY.).
Baryshnikov--Quoit Blessed by Waquoit; BLUE COLLAR BABY, m, 5, MNR, Msw, 10-1, 5f, 1:02 . B-Ted Randolph & Patricia Randolph (KY.).

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