North American Maiden Winners Sept. 4
🕒 Sep 4, 2021
Ami's Holiday--Bossy Saratoga by Street Boss; BOSSY HOLIDAY, c, 2, WO, Moc 40000, 9-4, 5 1/2f, 1:04 3/5. B-Tall Oaks Farm (ON.). |
Atta Boy Roy--Knight Club by Matty G; IRISH KNIGHT, g, 2, EMD, Mcl 15000, 9-4, 5f, :59 . B-Pat Chinn & Mullan Chinn (WA.). |
Atta Boy Roy--Dance With Effie by Chhaya Dance; CHINOOK QUICK, f, 2, EMD, Mcl 8000, 9-4, 5f, :00 . B-John Parker (WA.). |
Broken Vow--Bedanken (MG3$539,629), by Geri; KEEP YOUR PROMISE, f, 2, RP, Msw, 9-3, 5 1/2f, 1:05 2/5. B-Pin Oak Stud, LLC (KY.). |
California Chrome--Dynamic Doll by Ghostzapper; DEL REY DOLLY, f, 2, GP, Mcl 25000, 9-4, 6 1/2f, 1:19 4/5. B-International Equities Holding, Inc. (KY.). |
First Samurai--Bay of Puck by Concord Point; SAMARITA, f, 2, FAN, Msw, 9-4, 5f, 1:01 1/5. B-Monticule (KY.). $1,000 '20 KEESEP. |
Garnered--Miss Tap by Tapit; LA CUBANA, f, 2, CT, Msw, 9-3, 4 1/2f, :54 3/5. B-Rene Moore & Richard Moore (WV.). |
Giant's Causeway--Private World by Thunder Gulch; CLASSIC CAUSEWAY, c, 2, SAR, Msw, 9-4, 7f, 1:22 3/5. B-Kentucky West Racing LLC &Clarke M. Cooper Family Living Trust (KY.). |
Golden Lad--Triple Great by Greatness; GALLANT GOLD, c, 2, TIM, Mcl 25000, 9-4, a6 1/2f, 1:19 2/5. B-Best Foot Forward, LLC (MD.). $20,000 2021 FTMTYO. |
Honor Code--Tiamaria by Harlan's Holiday; POETIC PURSUIT, f, 2, ELP, Mcl 30000, 9-4, 1mT, 1:36 3/5. B-Calumet Farm (KY.). |
Itsmyluckyday--A Brush of Beauty by Include; A BRUSH OF LUCK, g, 2, PRM, Msw, 9-3, 6f, 1:12 1/5. B-Fred Robert Hoopes (IA.). |
Khozan--Forest Magic by Elusive Quality; ADVENTURE SEEKER, g, 2, GP, Mcl 16000, 9-4, 6f, 1:12 3/5. B-Stonehedge, LLC (FL.). |
Majesticperfection--Roll Your Eyes by Popular; FASCINATED, c, 2, GG, Msw, 9-4, 5fT, :58 . B-Jason Hall, Stephen Baker, and David Branch (KY.). |
Medallist--Star of Taurus by Aldebaran; TALKING TEDDY, g, 2, CT, Msw, 9-4, 4 1/2f, :53 1/5. B-Keturah E.Obed-Letts (WV.). |
Not This Time--Free Money by Street Sense; MAC'S TIME, c, 2, ELP, Msw, 9-4, 7f, 1:23 2/5. B-Albaugh Family Stables LLC (KY.). |
Overanalyze--Thunders Dove (G2P$287,715), by Thunderello; OVER AND THUNDER, g, 2, DEL, Msw, 9-4, 1m, 1:40 1/5. B-Warrior's Reward LLC (PA.). $20,000 '20 FTMYRL. |
Oxbow--Lady On the Run (MSW$385,600), by Ten Most Wanted; SAILOR SPEED, c, 2, MTH, Msw, 9-4, 6f, 1:10 3/5. B-Calumet Farm (KY.). $5,500 '20 OBSJAN; $25,000 2021 OBSSPR. |
Practical Joke--Rock and Glory by Rock Hard Ten; LITTLE VIC, c, 2, GP, Msw, 9-4, 6f, 1:11 4/5. B-Stride Sales and Syndicate (KY.). $50,000 '20 KEESEP. |
Quality Road--Wasted Tears (MG2$941,463), by Najran; CORNICHE, c, 2, DMR, Msw, 9-4, 5 1/2f, 1:03 . B-Bart Evans & Stonehaven Steadings (KY.). $1,500,000 2021 OBSSPR. |
Real Solution--Girl Gone Zippy by City Zip; REAL CITY SPEED, g, 2, EVD, Msw, 9-4, 5fT, :57 3/5. B-CARL MATHIEU & Steve Thomson (LA.). |
Southern Image--Nada Joke by Comic Strip; VAPING ANGEL, f, 2, GG, Msw, 9-4, 1m, 1:41 3/5. B-Dr. & Mrs. William T. Gray (CA.). |
Summer Front--Summer Flirt by Bernardini; BLAZING SUMMER, f, 2, ELP, Msw, 9-4, 5 1/2fT, 1:02 4/5. B-Mike Abraham (KY.). $50,000 '20 KEESEP. |
Tale of Ekati--Be a Gem by Jump Start; MINECRAFTER, c, 2, DEL, Msw, 9-4, 1m, 1:40 2/5. B-Flying H Stables, LLC (MD.). $30,000 2021 FTMTYO. |
Uncaptured--Woven Lady by Hard Spun; LUZ DE LA LUNA, f, 2, WO, Msw, 9-4, 1m 70y, 1:43 4/5. B-Rowling Oaks Farm (FL.). |
War Front--My Miss Sophia (G2$605,040), by Unbridled's Song; ANNAPOLIS, c, 2, SAR, Msw, 9-4, 1 1/16mT, 1:43 2/5. B-Bass Stables, LLC (KY.). |
Artie Schiller--Copenhagen Cowgirl by More Than Ready; ARTIE, g, 3, WO, Msw, 9-4, 6 1/2fT, 1:13 2/5. B-Gold Medal Stable, Dennis Mitchell, DonBell & Gaye Bell (KY.). |
Champ Pegasus--Moonshinemadness by Kafwain; MOON HOLLOW, g, 3, SWF, Msw, 9-4, 5 1/2f, 1:10 2/5. B-Richard Barton Enterprises (CA.). |
Creative Cause--Marquise Miss by Marquetry; AL HILAL, c, 3, GP, Mcl 25000, 9-4, 1mT, 1:36 1/5. B-Brereton C. Jones (KY.). $10,000 '19 KEESEP. *1/2 to Amiable Grace(SW$290,498). |
Dominus--Kissinleaf by Kissin Kris; MR. THUNDERSTRUCK, g, 3, PRM, Msw, 9-4, 5 1/2f, 1:04 3/5. B-William Bradley (KY.). |
Flashpoint--Victory Tough by Good and Tough; POINT OF VICTORY, f, 3, EVD, Mcl 10000, 9-3, 6f, 1:12 2/5. B-Danny M. Brown & Donna B. Brown (LA.). |
G. W.'s Skippie--Blushing Royale by Orientate; MOCITO ROYALE, g, 3, LAD, Msw, 9-4, 1mT, 1:37 2/5. B-Jarett Wolfe (AR.). *1/2 to Mocito Rojo(MG3$882,863). |
Great Notion--Cowgirl Creed by Sharp Humor; HE'S A SHOOTER, c, 3, TIM, Mcl 25000, 9-4, 1m, 1:39 1/5. B-Maureen Wade (MD.). $25,000 '19 FTMYRL. |
Into Mischief--Let's Go Cheyenne by Tiznow; ALLABOUTTHEMONEY, g, 3, DMR, Mcl 20000, 9-4, 1m, 1:40 1/5. B-Southern Comfort Farm, LLC & Mike Scott (KY.). |
Jump Start--Wise Love by Dixieland Band; FEEL THE LOVE, f, 3, CT, Msw, 9-4, 7f, 1:29 4/5. B-Francis Daniel III (WV.). |
Kantharos--Mischievious by Maria's Mon; LIGHT SHIFT, f, 3, RP, Mcl 15000, 9-4, a7 1/2fT, 1:32 1/5. B-Pope McLean, Marc McLean, Pope McLeanJr. & Bill Schiffman (KY.). $10,000 '19 KEESEP. |
Luxembourg--Island Dancer by Silver Train; SPORTSCARR, g, 3, CTM, Mcl 6000, 9-4, 5f, :58 3/5. B-Albert Kondrat & Lise Kondrat (AB.). |
Maclean's Music--Lasamanamama by Sabre D'argent; CLOSING TIME CUTIE, f, 3, RUI, Mcl 10000, 9-4, 5 1/2f, 1:05 3/5. B-Dr. & Mrs. A. Leonard Pineau (MD.). $3,200 '19 KEESEP. |
Malibu Moon--Lady Melesi (G1P$389,190), by Colonial Affair; AMICHE, f, 3, ELP, Msw, 9-4, 1mT, 1:35 . B-Machmer Hall (KY.). $325,000 '19 FTSAUG. *1/2 to Seruni(MG2P$355,572) *1/2 to English Affair(G3$292,983). |
Marking--Warning Track by Grand Slam; CAUGHT STEALING, f, 3, RUI, Msw, 9-4, 6f, 1:11 1/5. B-R D Hubbard (NM.). $17,000 '19 RUIAUG. |
Medaglia d'Oro--Elle Sueno by Street Cry (IRE); DREAM ABOUT ME, f, 3, MTH, Msw, 9-4, 1 1/16mT, 1:45 2/5. B-Southern Equine Stables, LLC (KY.). $450,000 '19 FTSAUG. |
Munnings--Carmel Beauty by Arch; IN MY OPINION, f, 3, WO, Msw, 9-4, 6 1/2fT, 1:14 2/5. B-Siena Farms LLC (KY.). $85,000 '19 KEESEP; $80,000 2020 OBSSPR. |
Not This Time--Sapphire Spitfire by Awesome Again; FIRE ON TIME, f, 3, ELP, Msw, 9-4, 6 1/2f, 1:17 . B-Jorge S. Wagner Jr. (KY.). $95,000 '18 KEENOV. |
Pollard's Vision--Ziva's Policy by Foreign Policy; HARLOW'S VISION, f, 3, RP, Mcl 7500, 9-4, 1m, 1:43 4/5. B-Bob Pogue & Paulette Pogue (OK.). |
Speightster--Summer Rules by Perfect Soul (IRE); SHERIFF BIANCO, g, 3, SAR, Msw, 9-4, 5 1/2fT, 1:02 . B-SF Bloodstock LLC (NY.). $135,000 '18 KEENOV; $120,000 '19 KEESEP. |
Speightstown--Vivo Per Lei by Empire Maker; PIPELINE, c, 3, SAR, Msw, 9-4, 7f, 1:22 . B-Eurowest Bloodstock Services LTD. (KY.). |
Storm Wolf--Phaniebdancing by Congrats; ELLIE BE DANCING, f, 3, MTH, Mcl 12500, 9-4, 6f, 1:12 . B-Mary K. Haire (FL.). |
Temple City--Bella d'Oro by Medaglia d'Oro; LARGER THAN LIFE, g, 3, MTH, Mcl 30000, 9-4, 1 1/16mT, 1:44 4/5. B-Red Oak Stable (KY.). |
Upstart--Anfield Rose by Wilburn; CROSS THE MERSEY, f, 3, DEL, Mcl 5000, 9-4, 1m, 1:43 . B-Anderson Boulton Thoroughbreds LLC (KY.). |
Wicked Tune--Midnightatmarions by Disco Rico; SIP'N DIP, f, 3, MTH, Mcl 12500, 9-4, 1m, 1:42 2/5. B-Patricia Generazio (FL.). |
Candy Ride (ARG)--Daring Reality (G2P$272,100), by Include; KOKO'S KANDY, g, 4, DMR, Msw, 9-4, 6f, 1:10 4/5. B-Dell Ridge Farm, LLC (KY.). |
Cross Traffic--Lesley Be Judged (MSW$266,836), by Devil His Due; RUBY BE JUDGED, f, 4, RP, Msw, 9-4, 7f, 1:27 1/5. B-Loyd Clements (OK.). |
Friesan Fire--Petite Fuego by Smoke Glacken; MARACOCA'S DREAM, f, 4, CTM, Mcl 10000, 9-4, 6f, 1:12 2/5. B-James F. Miller (WV.). $6,500 '17 FTMDEC. |
Hightail--Skycon by Lexicon; MISS CHECKMARK, f, 4, LAD, Mcl 5000, 9-4, 7f, 1:27 2/5. B-Richard Hessee (AR.). |
Idiot Proof--Meet Me in Fargo by Fargo; MEET THE SHERIFF, g, 4, GG, Msw, 9-4, 5 1/2f, 1:04 . B-Clifford DeLima & Barbara M. DeLima (CA.). |
Native Ruler--Color of Silver by Silver Hawk; COBYMEISTER, g, 4, PRM, Msw, 9-4, 1m, 1:40 2/5. B-Dick W Trimble (IA.). |
No Nay Never--High Savannah (IRE) by High Chaparral (IRE); NO NAY NOW (IRE), g, 4, AP, Mcl 12500, 9-4, a1mT, 1:41 3/5. B-Lynch Bages Ltd (IRE.). 240,000EUR '18 GOFORB. |
Sky Mesa--Jenny June by Johannesburg; SECOND LINE DAVID, g, 4, DEL, Mcl 5000, 9-4, 1m, 1:41 2/5. B-Ike & Dawn Thrash (KY.). |
Spankey Come Home--Conchis Monchis by Proud Irish; SANTIAGO'S TOWER, c, 4, ALB, Mcl 8000, 9-4, 6 1/2f, 1:18 . B-Tricar Stables Inc. (NM.). |
Algorithms--Heart Tee by Lil E. Tee; ENDLESS ROMANCE, m, 5, RP, Msw, 9-3, 6f, 1:12 1/5. B-Jim Plemmons (KY.). |
E Dubai--Secret Heiress by Wildcat Heir; RICHARDS DREAM, g, 5, EVD, Mcl 10000, 9-4, 6f, 1:12 4/5. B-Marie Daigle (LA.). |
Country Be Gold--My Intelligent Gal by Beau Genius; STRATUS STORM, g, 6, FAN, Mcl 4000, 9-3, 6f, 1:15 2/5. B-Dr. Ronald D. Beasley (IL.). |
Tiz the One--Huntington Harbour by Rockport Harbor; RARE ONE, m, 6, CT, Mcl 5000, 9-3, 4 1/2f, :53 3/5. B-Patrick Meaux & Roy Garber (LA.). |
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