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Spot Plays Feb. 27

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For Saturday


Aqueduct (5th) One Whirlwind Ride, 3-1
(6th) Royal Suspect, 7-2

Charles Town (2nd) Afandi, 3-1
(4th) Don'tbaggagecheck, 3-1

Fair Grounds (2nd) Zypto, 9-2
(3rd) Halfbarberbingie, 4-1

Fonner Park (1st) Miss Elise, 3-1
(4th) Northcountry Willy, 7-2

Golden Gate Fields (3rd) Clochard Street, 6-1
(6th) Diamond Blitz, 3-1

Gulfstream Park (1st) Sibaaq, 4-1
(4th) Temple, 3-1

Laurel Park (1st) Mavilus, 4-1
(7th) In the Loop, 7-2

Oaklawn Park (1st) Bitumen, 3-1
(2nd) La Pulcinela, 7-2

Sam Houston (3rd) Morhawk, 3-1
(7th) Ima Discreet Lady, 6-1

Santa Anita (4th) Flip the Coin Jan, 4-1
(6th) Mahaamel, 7-2

Tampa Bay Downs (4th) Hail Southern, 7-2
(5th) Pugilist, 3-1

Turfway Park (1st) Macagone, 3-1
(2nd) To Kalon, 7-2

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