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Spot Plays Nov. 5

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For Friday


Belmont Park(4th) Pure Panic, 7-2
(5th) Dark Money, 3-1

Charles Town(1st) Scottish Man, 9-2
(2nd) Hot Fudge Sonde, 4-1

Churchill Downs(1st) Prize Fighter, 3-1
(6th) Moliere, 3-1

Del Mar(2nd) Degree of Risk, 4-1
(3rd) Big Novel, 3-1

Delta Downs(1st) Cottonwood, 4-1
(2nd) Yodel E. A. Who, 3-1

Golden Gate Fields(1st) Foster Boi, 3-1
(4th) Even Steven, 4-1

Gulfstream Park(3rd) Queen Calypso, 3-1
(5th) Cuy, 4-1

Hawthorne(3rd) Hannity, 6-1
(5th) Slime Queen, 5-1

Laurel Park(5th) Natagar, 7-2
(6th) Baby Ice, 9-2

Penn National(3rd) Muchacho Macho, 3-1
(4th) Jumpin Jett, 4-1

Remington Park(2nd) Rainbow Gold, 5-1
(3rd) Kirk of Diamonds, 6-1

Turf Paradise(1st) Smoke Stack, 3-1
(2nd) Go Go Sadie, 7-2

Woodbine(2nd) Ingordwetrust, 5-1
(6th) Perfect Picture, 3-1

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